Quinda at the Hellenic Mountain Race

Quinda will be starting the Hellenic Mountain Race this Saturday, 13 May 2023. Already it looks like the weather will be adding an extra challenge to the already challenging 900km and 30k meters of climbing to be done. It’s going to be a hard one and Quinda is still climbing back from a concussion last year… Wild!

Quinda will be taking the race on with her trusty Pasta Party, a bike that’s already helped her through L’esperit in the Pyrenees, Hope1000 in the Alps and several other bikepacking races. This bike has more riding time clock than I have all last year! Jealous, much.

Hope brakes, SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain, Ingrid cranks, that gang’s all here! This bike is decked out with all of the most durable bits, without going overboard. At Hope1000 I remember that Quinda ripped through her brake pads so much that she actually ran out, and still the Hope brakes performed better than Shimano! Okay, okay, I’m just joking, put your pitchforks down!

Wool clothing? What is this, the 1970’s?

Yes, I put this photo into the post just to make that joke. Was it worth it? No, not really. Moving on!

There it is in all it’s glory This bike has some longs days ahead of it, but if I was a betting man, I’d bet that the bike will be keen as a long green bean well into the hours which Quinda will need to sleep! Bikes are wild like that, they just never really tire out!

Here’s a little gallery of some photos Quinda has already shared with us: