
Below are all the events Sour is hosting, attending, or just generally keen on! We love bike shows, group rides, camp-outs, and watching people riding Sour bikes in faraway lands! Check out what’s going on and where you can catch up with us in real life!

Some of the events below are Sour-hosted gravel and bikepacking rides. These rides generally require registration, and registration opens about a month to two months before the event starts. Check the link next to the event for more information!



04 January, NeujahrsCroXX -> Instagram!


2 February Suppenprestige Leipzig

7-15 February: Atlas Mountain Race
Sour SRD athlete Ariane Richter will be competing in the 2025 edition of the Atlas Mountain Race.


28-30 March: Cyclingword Düsseldorf

29 March Audmax Spring Classic

30 March Gran Cuanche
Sour SRD athlete Ariane Richter will be competing


05 April: BDO Feldtest, Leipzig


10 May Audmax Elbsandstein

24-31 May Hellenic Mountain Race
Sour SRD athlete Ariane Richter will be competing

30 May Trans Balkan Race
Sour SRD athlete Leanne Bentley will be competing


21 June: SOUR Family Weekend
We celebrate 6 years of sweet Sour!

Ride Outs, Music, BBQ. – A full day of riding bikes and Fun Fun Fun!


6-12 July Bright Midnight
Sour SRD athlete Ariane Richter will be competing


16-30 August Silk Road Mountain Race
Sour SRD athlete Leanne Bentley will be competing

22-24 August: Made Bike Show, Portland, Oregon

23 August Audmax Fichtelberg


11-14 September: BBB Camp

20 September Sour Gravel Cat TBA


3-5 October Dead Ends and Dolci
Sour SRD athlete Ariane Richter will be competing

10-12 October Bespoked Bike Show Dresden


Nothing planned! What are missing out on? Email us at


6 December Moonhunt, Dresden – Outdoor Schnitzeljagd as always, riding in the night, team event