DT Swiss Craft Bike Days is a wrap!
We drove up to Bielefeld to hang out with DT Swiss and 40 other small, medium, and large bike brands and builders! We were stoked to be invited back for a third time, and fingers crossed for another round in 2024.
The links to MTB News are at the bottom of this post! Achtung! They’re in German.
The DT Swiss Craft Bike Days is a small show focusing on a select number of smaller builders and craft-ers. As we build everything with worn hands and tired backs, we love being included in shows like this, if not only to talk shop with other creatives around us. Because the show is “business-only” it really gives us the chance to chat with people like Joe from Starling, Konstantin from Drust, and Sascha from Crossworx among many more. Don’t get us wrong, with love hanging out with y’all, but sometimes we’ll have an three day show and never even get the chance to say hello to over brands with all sorts of insights into similar things that Sour is doing!

Oh! And we even got up on stage! Well, Chris did, I stay behind the scenes where I belong. EFBE, our partner in ISO and safety testing here in Germany invited us to make a small presentation about our new Business fork, seeing as it’s the very first one to pass EFBE’s extra-stringent Tri-Test aimed towards testing gravel forks with cargo cages and on “roads” where gravel bikes were never really meant to be… Spoiler alert, gravel bikes were always meant to be wherever you take them!

Thanks to DT Swiss for the invite, the beer labelled as “Beer” (very lol, love it), and all the others nerds and geeks that took two WHOLE DAYS to nerd and geek out with us! Also a huge thanks to MTB News for the photos. Keep an eye out for their Youtube video where I stumble through an explanation of what our Big Fun is supposed to do!
Achtung! All the links right here!
MTB News – 19 edle Mountainbikes zum Auftakt
Mit 38 Bikes von kleinen und feinen Brands und Rahmenbauern haben die Craft Bike Days 2023 ein neues Niveau erreicht – gegenüber der Premiere 2019 hat sich die Zahl der Hersteller beinahe vervierfacht. Am neuen Ort stahlen die innovativen Mountainbikes, Rennräder und Gravel Bikes die Schau und es gab wieder Raum für Diskussionen zu spannenden Themen wie Cockpit-Integration, Ergonomie und Nabendynamo-Strom am Fahrrad. Wir waren vor Ort – hier kommen die ersten Impressionen.
Craft Bike Days 2023 – Schlaflos in Bielefeld
SONDERFOLGE, SONDERFOLGE! In Folge 128 (fälschlicherweise in der Aufnahme als Nummer 127 bezeichnet) geht es um eins unserer Event-Highlights des Jahres: Die Craft Bike Days standen wieder an. In einer schicken Location in Bielefeld trafen auf Einladung von DT Swiss knapp 40 Bike-Marken zusammen, die besondere Räder herstellen. Wir waren vor Ort und nehmen euch als kleiner Teaser schonmal mit auf die Craft Bike Days 2023, bis es in den kommenden Tagen auch artikeltechnisch losgeht. Statt Moritz und Marcus sind in dieser Folge Rennrad-News.de-Chefredakteur Jan und MTB-News-Medienmogul Thomas mit dabei. Viel Spaß beim Hören!