Stephan is known all over Dresden. Beside his famous Neustadtspaziergang he initiated the Schleudergang in Dresden following the Nuremberg example and works with our buddies at Light Wolf.
Who are you?
Stephan / Böhler – depends.
What about your biking experience?
Some kilometeres on different subsurfaces. With all kind of different People.
How did you come to biking?
Started with the first ride in my childhood. Ended in the rosebush because my brother let the bike off and I did not know how to stopp.
What ground to you prefer to ride?
Paved roads. Copplestones. Dirt roads. Forest paths. Nice ways.
Which model did you choose and why?
Clueless! It fits.
What is the sweetest about SOUR?
The staff!
Please describe the highlights (setup, components, color,…) of your bike.
The gathering out of Oldschool design and newschool components. A daily ride.
What turns you SOUR?
What was your latest bike adventure?
Dolomites! Passes! Panorama!
Name 3 things you request for the local bike-world.
Acceptation regarding road traffic / More safety / More Colors!
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