Container Update!

Two updates in one month can be a good or bad sign, but thankfully this time ‘round it’s a good sign! Sort of secretly we have been sorting and prepping all the frames and frame parts from Taiwan in the background the past few days. We had no idea how long the container would be held at customs, this process can take anywhere from five day, to five weeks, but now that we have the container in our hands and have begun the process of checks and unpacking, we can finally share the great news! It’s here! It’s huge!

This big container full of Purple Haze frames, Clueless frames, new forks, frameparts for production, and other bits that I’m not allowed to mention is such a huge deal for us for so many reasons. Not only is the container what we’ve been waiting and planning on for months, but it’s also the container that marks the biggest step for our on-shoring project called “Hombrew”. Now that this container has arrived, that means the end of our Taiwanese frame production. Although we will continue to work with our trusted factory and even a new partner, also in Taiwan, once the inventory of gravel frames runs out, all new frames will be made in Germany.

Let me say that louder for those in the back: Excluding the frames that have just arrived, moving forward all Sour frames will be made by-hand, one-by-one, just a short drive outside of Dresden city limits.

Okay, all well and good, what does this mean for my Purple Haze or Clueless that I ordered X months ago? Well firstly, thank you. Thank you for trusting that we have been doing anything and everything we can to get you your frame as soon as the supply chain would allow. Secondly, the light at the end of the tunnel has never been brighter… in other words, we are controlling inventory, prepping, and painting frames at full tilt right now. When you receive your frame depends entirely on when you or your dealer ordered the frame. We will do our very best to keep the process of sending frames to clients and dealers as fast, fair, and equitable as possible Please remember that if you see someone or some shop with a sick new Purple Haze build on the Interwebs, they may have been waiting for longer than a year! Just wild how much patience everyone has had. Honestly, thank you!