August delivery update… in September!
Just going to break the third wall real quick (don’t worry, it’ll just be a second). When I started writing these updates and promised everyone that we’d be providing updates every month, I figured that’d be no problem at all, and granted, it’s not a “challenge” per se, but here we are… a week late on the August update. Apologies all around.
A lot of you have been mailing us asking for any sort of update about Hombrew and the production within that side of Sour and the final frames that still need to arrive from Asia. Fair play. Information is power, power is bikes, bikes are rad. I defy you to defeat that logic! Read on to learn more about how “real” the “struggle” is right in the bike world.

This summer it felt as if we were more-or-less on the right path to getting out of the woods and back on to a better lit path, or as the great poet Jimmy Cliff would say “I can see clearly now the rain is gone” (anyone else remember Cool Runnings? Great album, better film lol). Yet! Lo and behold, we’ve turned the corner on summer and are barreling towards autumn here in Europe. Even the leaves are turning colour and falling early this year… granted it is from drought, but still.
The ship is delayed. Again. Really no way to sugar coat that one. I can chew the fat all day about 90’s reggae artists and bad (great) B-movies, but no amount on nostalgia and distraction will get that stinkin’ boat to drop a hook in the Port of Rotterdam… trust me, we tired.

As it stands, these are the facts:
The boat is delayed, and currently planned to arrive at port 28 September. After arrival the weary crew, having been at sea for likely months at this point, will disembark while the AT-AT cranes will unload the containers for customs clearance. This generally takes about a week, five business days.
Once everything’s cleared customs, everyone’s happy with their tax-share of the shipment, and the container is dropper at our front door, it’s time to get everything painted. As explained in previous updates, everyone on this end is lying in wait and ready to rock to get everything done as soon as we get those frames in our hands.
If you’ve ordered a mountain bike frame from Sour, the story is a little different, and thankfully more positive: The first Pasta Party frames are done! Sour “officially” makes frames, from scratch, in the EU. In Germany. In our own little factory. All by hand. Wild.

Homebrew frames are trucking along. Like I said, all pre-ordered size medium Pasta Party frames are done and if I’m not mistake already headed off to paint. Size large Pasta Party frames will follow (this is the “bulk” of pre-ordered mountain bike frames), then XL’s and the first round of Crumbles. Once we’ve made it through all the sizes of the Crumble, we will start on the Big Fun frames while keeping rolling Pasta Party and Crumble frame orders up to speed.
Okay. There we are. August update: updated. Please don’t hesitate to send us an email with any questions about this process, your order, or just what makes the best flan… Little known fact, Chris is a HUGE flan fan.
PS: We will be at Bespoked this October and would love to see you all! Please drop us a line if you’re planning on being there as well.